Their business is characterized by large demand fluctuations or seasonality – thanks to the ability to lease employees from an external staffing provider, the company can cope with increased business activity during seasonal peaks.
They want to fill short-term staffing gaps – during the holiday season, when the volume of vacations is higher and staffing shortages affect key areas of the company’s operations, many businesses decide to use employee leasing, which avoids long-term employment.
Additional orders arise that cannot be fulfilled with the current staff – Leasing employees is a great solution when a company receives a new order it cannot fulfill on time with its current workforce. With the support of an agency, the client not only avoids burdening their own HR department but also does not have to increase headcount.
The local labor market lacks workers, or the company is struggling to find them – many companies decide to sign an employee leasing agreement when they cannot meet their staffing needs on the local labor market. Due to the growing labor shortages in Poland, many recruitment agencies now offer the option of leasing foreign employees, including leasing workers from Ukraine.
Lack of know-how regarding recruitment and legal employment of foreigners – when hiring employees from abroad, knowledge of both Polish laws governing their stay and work, as well as the regulations of their local labor markets, is necessary. This makes it easier and quicker to reach candidates and encourage them to work in Poland.
They want to save time and resources – with the support of a recruitment agency, businesses do not need to run their own recruitment processes, engage recruitment specialists, or bear the costs of posting job advertisements. Moreover, payroll administration, including the payment of wages to temporary employees, is handled by the staffing agency.
They want to test employees before hiring them permanently – the Try & Hire employee leasing service is gaining popularity among businesses. Hiring on a temporary contract can be treated as an extended probation period, during which the company can verify the candidate’s fit for the organization and position.